Go: International Handbook and Dictionary, compiled and edited by John S. Tilley. Ishi G4; 1972.

This book contains some information about Japanese go (both historical and current), a glossary of go terms in both English and German, and a bit about non-Japanese go. It's a quite small book - only 94 pages, and they're pages the size of mass-market paperback pages. It has been entirely superceded by The Go Player's Almanac, which contains much more information about more stuff. (The one exception is that the Almanac doesn't have a German-language glossary.) So there's no reason for anybody other than collectors to try to get a copy of this book.

My copy is a reprint by Dietmar Hartung. There's nothing in the book identifying it as such, but sources in the know tell me that it really is a reprint and that you can tell the two apart by the paper: the original has nicer paper that is a bit off-white. There was an earlier 1970 edition which I haven't seen; I doubt it was too different from the 1972 edition, since it has the same number of pages. This book is out of print.

david carlton <carlton@bactrian.org>

Last modified: Sun Aug 10 20:52:55 PDT 2003